
In the photograph my wife, two of my grandchildren, and I are strolling down a street in San Ignacio, Texas, a village thirty miles south of Laredo, Texas, on the northern bank of the Rio Grande. We are walking past the fort that once defended the inhabitants from attacks by Comanches, bandits, and revolutionaries. The scene offers a glimpse of my world in deep South Texas, the world that had inspired and informed my development as a novelist, short writer, and essayist.

Carlos Nicolás Flores 

Visit the Gallery to see Laurence Wensel’s artwork, which provides a glimpse into our world in Laredo.
Congratulations are in order for Marisol Cortez, whose debut novel, Luz at Midnight (FlowerSong Press 2020), has won the Texas Institute of Letters’ Sergio Troncoso Award for First Book of Fiction (2021).